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Carlos Chapa born in Brownsville tx, raised in Houston tx.

Carlos as a young man had struggled with being skinny through-out his teenage yrs.
it was a part of him that he wanted to change.

In 2001 his brother introduced him to weight lifting and from that moment it changed his perspective on not only how he viewed the sport of bodybuilding but how he viewed himself.

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Carlos Chapa as a coach is one of the best things I could’ve done for a change in my lifestyle. At my age, I have never looked better. Even better than when I was younger. Also my energy is unbelievable. I have friends that have tried all kinds of routines on tv, magazines and videos and no change. So when they ask me, I tell them the best way to do it right is get a coach like Carlos Chapa to help you in your journey. And like he says: Trust the process!

- Raul Suarez6 month transformation.
8lb drop in body fat
12lb.increase in muscle mass

I am a mom to 4 and a grandma, so when I asked Carlos for help I just wanted to get in shape and feel good. What he provided for me, I could never have done on my own. Not only did I get in the best shape of my life, even before children, I pushed myself even further into competing for the first time in a NPC bikini competition. My coach Carlos took me to the top and I not only won first place but even qualified for Nationals. My life will never be the same and it’s all thanks to my coach!

- Joyce Saraiva4, 5 month transformation
29lb drop in body fat
9lb increase in lean muscle mass

I set out a goal for myself to get in the best shape of my life, with no real plan in action . Carlos not only helped me with my meal plan, rec the correct supplements but strategized my workouts specifically for me. I dropped over 50 lbs, built insane muscle all in less than 16 wks. If your looking to completely change ur life and how you view fitness, I recommend Carlos !

- Lara3 month transformation
24lb drop in body fat
8lb increase in muscle mass

Carlos is an awesome coach! I was stuck at a plateau trying to diet myself down and wanting to get the rest of my pregnancy weight and fat off of me. To encourage myself, I decided to go through with a photo shoot that I had booked several years ago but never has the courage to follow through with. I hired Carlos and started seeing changes immediately. And while working with him, I ended up encountering some obstacles and even ended up in the hospital. We worked through all of it - and he maintained a very positive attitude and spirit. This allowed me to flourish as I wholeheartedly believe that coaches should positively motivate their clients to try harder and harder. At the end of it all, what I accomplished was getting back to my pre-baby weight and was in even better shape for this photo shoot than I ever have been. ❤️️

- Jo Bella3- 4 month transformation
10lb decrease in body fat
6lb increase in lean muscle mass

After having my baby I decided to get a little cosmetic procedure done (lipo) I then started to gain all my weight back because I wasn’t eating healthy and went back to my bad habits, i wanted to hire a personal trainer for proper guidance!! that’s when I met chapa! I explained to him the body goal I aspired to have, he wrote a plan and I simply followed it. Within 4 weeks of strictly following my meal plans I saw dramatic changes. I have been with him for over a year and went through a lean phase and minor clean bulking phase, he has shown me that whatever it you want to do, with consistency and dedication you can do anything to your body. Just Trust the process :muscle|type_1_2:

-Yari Suarez5, 12 week Transformation
8lb drop in body fat
3lb increase in lean muscle mass

I was training but wasn't eating right, least to say I fell off the wagon and had no idea where to go. I reached out to Carlos for some nutrition guidance. He helped me get on a diet with foods I like to eat and help pursue my goals. I'm in a happier place now with myself. Thanks coach for the help!

-Immanual Saraiva3 month transformation 2lb drop in body fat 8lb gain in lean muscle mass

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